Thursday, June 07, 2007


"To observe without evaluation is the highest form or human intelligence"- J. Kirshnamurti

And I know for me after years and years of training in evaluating simply observing is a skill that takes practice. The way I have been taught to observe without judgment or evaluation is imagine you are seeing or hearing what is happening while looking through the lens of a video camera. Instead of saying "this house is a mess" You would describe what you see; "When I see dirty dishes in the sink, two cups on the floor and three pairs of socks on the couch..." or instead of reacting to a statement such as "You're so mean" you share the specific words someone used "when you said dinner is awful..."

What shifted in you as you read each of those?

Can you imagine what might happen in your relationships if evaluations and judgments diminished. This is one step in the process of learning compassionate communication. If this peeked your interest you can go to the NVC website to gain more information.

It's a new way of being for me and I appreciate the clarity and kindness it brings into my world.

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