Monday, May 21, 2007

Asking for Support

It's challenging for many of us to ask for support, often even for very simple things. I'm not sure where that comes from, old cultural patterning of independence, genetics, distance from family and friends, fear of being needy...

What I do know is our inability to reach out for support when we need it can cause deep pain for ourselves and others.

Ironically as we hold back asking many, many people I know say the greatest gifts in their lives have been when they have been able to give to others. They give support willingly and with joy in their hearts. It fills us up to give to others, it is our true nature...we may forget but it is always there if we choose to access it.

I'm writing this now because friends of ours just lost their 23 year old son to's been a very rough week. One in which I have more understanding of the importance of sharing and remembering that to reach out is not a sign of weakness (which is a very prevalent perception in our culture, particularly with males) but a sign of strength.

As I spoke with my children about this tragedy I recognized the need to continue this conversation in wider circles.

Talk to your loved ones about the value in asking for support. Model asking as well as giving support as often as you can. Talk about it, write about it, sing about it... Let's create a world where fewer lives are taken in despair.

Reach out, hug your loved ones, be present in the moment.

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