Monday, April 30, 2007

Time Pressure

As a culture time is a precious commodity and it seems as we run from one commitment to the next, or write out our two page to do list the pressure builds before the day begins.
How do we shift do we find ourselves present in the moment and attentive to what is right in front of us.
A couple of ways I support myself are to consciously breathe and to do heartmath.
Next time you notice the pressure, take a minute or two to pay attention to your breath, your body, the world surrounding you. Make a habit of conscious breathing of giving yourself permission to be still and present.
Do this often enough and you may feel a sense of peace in the moment and can then move into your activities from that place. As you begin to find comfort in this way your body may remind you to practice when you need it most.

is connecting to your heart and to joy at the same time. It supports your heart and mind to be coherent and has been well documented to decrease stress and reduce risks for chronic disease.

Consider stopping to breathe or learning heartmath to support you to feel less pressure in your mind, body and spirit.

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