Monday, April 02, 2007


My family and I just returned from a 10 day vacation. I look very forward to our vacations together, it gives us an opportunity to choose to do things differently, be more flexible ,and explore new ways of being together.

One of my intentions on this trip was to stay very connected to myself. I did that by meditating each morning and reminding myself that what I wanted most from the day was to be kind, loving, and at ease with my family. I was aware often thoughout the day of the opportunity to take a breath, to be present fully, to let go of an attachment...and be kind, loving and at ease. It worked!

I also was shown once again that happiness, for me, is in the small shared moments, the touch, the smile, the laughter, the eye contact, the nod, saying yes, listening deeply...

Connection on vacation looked like: long walks on the beach, reading to my son, playing the ungame around the dinner table, hiking in nature, looking at works of art, people watching(particularly babies and young children), riding bikes on the beach, running with my husband, watching my son play in the water, watching my daughter unwind and renew herself, quiet meditation in the mornings, listening to the birds, watching the waves...

Staying connected, for me that is what it is all about.

How do you stay connected? And what is it all about for you?

Coaching for connection, balance and health.


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