Monday, April 09, 2007


Spring is such a lovely time to check in with yourself and ask "What am I needing right now that will allow me to move into the next season with fresh eyes and renewed passion for my life?"

As the buds bloom and everything begins to grow what do you want to grow in yourself?

What do you want to let go of so that you have room in your life?

Taking care of you supports all of the living things around you. Allow for some time this week to pause, reflect, and choose the direction that is calling to you during this time of year. Our bodies crave renewal and cleansing as Spring arrives, allow your body to lead.

Nourish your spirit, your mind, your body...the choices abound.

Discover the Power of Choice, choose to take care of yourself and observe what changes around you!

Coaching for connection, balance and health.


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