Monday, May 07, 2007

Almond Sauce

Almond Sauce
8 ounces of almond butter
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/8-1/4 cup tamari (to taste)
2 tablespoons chili paste, or to taste
1 tablespoon fresh finely grated ginger
2 garlic cloves
1 bunch cilantro- chopped
juice of 1-2 limes
Place all ingredients except cilantro into food processor and blend add water to give you desired consistency. Adjust seasonings to taste, add cilantro and hand mix it in.
This sauce keeps for a week to 10 days in the refrigerator.

We use this sauce on buckwheat or soba noodles with steamed and fresh vegetables tossed in. Most vegetables work in this dish.
We also use this as a dipping sauce for raw vegetables and on sushi. Its a nice alternative to peanut sauce.


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