Friday, June 08, 2007

Community connection

Early this morning a bunch of hot air balloons were floating over Bend. As we watched them out the window one got quite low and very close and ended up landing half a block from our home. It was a beautiful multicolor striped balloon.

We walked over to have a look and many other people did the same. There we were many in bathrobes and pajamas chatting and taking photos, smiling, talking...connecting at 7:30 in the morning.

It was so interesting and fun to note when something unusual occurs it brings out an openness that doesn't often happen in our everyday lives.

I really enjoyed having my day start in such an unusual and connecting way. And I recognize I want more of that in my life. Spontaneous moments of connection with other humans.

Consider taking the opportunity today to connect with someone in a spontaneous way. Notice how you feel and what needs were met or not met doing this.

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