Monday, April 30, 2007

Time Pressure

As a culture time is a precious commodity and it seems as we run from one commitment to the next, or write out our two page to do list the pressure builds before the day begins.
How do we shift do we find ourselves present in the moment and attentive to what is right in front of us.
A couple of ways I support myself are to consciously breathe and to do heartmath.
Next time you notice the pressure, take a minute or two to pay attention to your breath, your body, the world surrounding you. Make a habit of conscious breathing of giving yourself permission to be still and present.
Do this often enough and you may feel a sense of peace in the moment and can then move into your activities from that place. As you begin to find comfort in this way your body may remind you to practice when you need it most.

is connecting to your heart and to joy at the same time. It supports your heart and mind to be coherent and has been well documented to decrease stress and reduce risks for chronic disease.

Consider stopping to breathe or learning heartmath to support you to feel less pressure in your mind, body and spirit.

Coaching for connection, balance and health

Discover the Power of Choice!

Friday, April 27, 2007

"There is nothing like returning to a place unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have been altered" - Nelson Mandela

I recently returned from a visit to my mother. We had a lovely time, she has slowed down a lot so much of the time was peaceful and slow moving. One day we went out to lunch and then to a movie and the rest of the time was open to talk, read, walk...

I found myself noticing my need to relate a bit differently, wanting to connect in new ways and finding it a bit confusing sometimes.

When we have known someone a long time we often expect certain responses, comments...and conversations follow old familiar patterns. I spent time observing who I was being and sometimes enjoyed and other times was frustrated with the challenge of finding more of myself in the conversation. When I find more of myself I am more connected to others and have a deeper happiness in the moment.

I now can see one strategy that I didn't attempt was simply to share my awareness of my desire to communicate differently in order to connect more meaningfully and my confusion around how to do that. Sounds simple...

This week consider noticing what your patterns are like with people you've known a long time. Do you find yourself stuck in old ways of communicating?

What might you do or say differently in order to make a shift?

Thursday, April 19, 2007


"My whole goal is to keep my spirit intact. If that doesn't happen, none of this is worth it." -Jewel

How often do we ponder our spirit and what does it mean to each of us to "keep it intact"?

Spirit for me shows up and feels intact when I am fully present to a person, place, or thing.

How I develop my presence is multifaceted. I meditate, I spend quiet time in nature, I connect meaningfully with people I love, I breathe consciously, I laugh fully, I gaze into someones eyes, I reflect...I practice, practice, practice.

I am not looking to be perfect, I am looking for forward movement, a closer connection with myself which then creates a closer connection with it all.

What do you do to keep your spirit intact?

for connection, balance and health.

Discover the Power of Choice!

Monday, April 16, 2007

labor saving devices

"The number of labor saving devices a person has is always inversely correlated with their amount of free time."- Russell Delman

Is that true for you...I wonder about this often as I watch my husband with all of his labor saving doesn't look to me as if time is saved. It looks to me as if it's another way to use our time. There in lies the choice.

Take this week to be more aware in this area of your life.

Have you created more free time for yourself?

Do you find yourself feeling peace and ease frequently?

Let me know how it goes!

Coaching for connection, balance and health!

Discover the Power of Choice!

Friday, April 13, 2007

A Light Vegetable Dish

I love carrots and we usually eat them raw. I decided to try something new and really enjoyed this dish!

6 large carrots peeled and sliced into bite size rounds
2 leeks washed and finely diced
2 red bell peppers diced
2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1-2 lemons
1 tsp of salt

Steam carrots until just cooked (they should still be firm)
Pour 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil into a sauté pan. On medium high heat sauté leeks until lightly brown, add red bell peppers sauté for a minute or two, add carrots and stir until heated.
Remove from heat place in a serving bowl and add lemon juice, salt then drizzle remaining olive oil and serve.


Coaching for connection, balance and health!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I am going to do a spring cleanse this year. I am following the protocal from the book "If the Buddha came to Dinner" by Hale Sofia Schatz.

I'm feeling excited about taking some time to give my body space to release anything it's been holding onto and curious about how it might support the clutter that can appear in my mind and emotions.

I'll keep you posted. Any one interested in joining me...let me know. Its wonderful to have support from friends.

"Cleansing is like giving your body an annual tune-up" - Hale Sofia Schatz

for connection, balance and health.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Spring is such a lovely time to check in with yourself and ask "What am I needing right now that will allow me to move into the next season with fresh eyes and renewed passion for my life?"

As the buds bloom and everything begins to grow what do you want to grow in yourself?

What do you want to let go of so that you have room in your life?

Taking care of you supports all of the living things around you. Allow for some time this week to pause, reflect, and choose the direction that is calling to you during this time of year. Our bodies crave renewal and cleansing as Spring arrives, allow your body to lead.

Nourish your spirit, your mind, your body...the choices abound.

Discover the Power of Choice, choose to take care of yourself and observe what changes around you!

Coaching for connection, balance and health.

Friday, April 06, 2007


"Practice kindness, and you start to become kind. Practice discipline and you start to become disciplined. Practice forgiveness and you start to become forgiving. Practice charity and you start to become charitable. Practice gentleness, and you start to become gentle." - Marianne Williamson

What are you going to practice now, today...these small acts are what change the world.
Are you ready to change? Need support to make it happen...give me a call and we can chat about the possibilities. 541-389-0831.

Coaching for connection, balance and health.

Discover the Power of Choice!

Monday, April 02, 2007


My family and I just returned from a 10 day vacation. I look very forward to our vacations together, it gives us an opportunity to choose to do things differently, be more flexible ,and explore new ways of being together.

One of my intentions on this trip was to stay very connected to myself. I did that by meditating each morning and reminding myself that what I wanted most from the day was to be kind, loving, and at ease with my family. I was aware often thoughout the day of the opportunity to take a breath, to be present fully, to let go of an attachment...and be kind, loving and at ease. It worked!

I also was shown once again that happiness, for me, is in the small shared moments, the touch, the smile, the laughter, the eye contact, the nod, saying yes, listening deeply...

Connection on vacation looked like: long walks on the beach, reading to my son, playing the ungame around the dinner table, hiking in nature, looking at works of art, people watching(particularly babies and young children), riding bikes on the beach, running with my husband, watching my son play in the water, watching my daughter unwind and renew herself, quiet meditation in the mornings, listening to the birds, watching the waves...

Staying connected, for me that is what it is all about.

How do you stay connected? And what is it all about for you?

Coaching for connection, balance and health.