Balance is not a final destination it is something we have the opportunity to practice throughout our lives. It's a choice and it takes a commitment to be more present in the moment; to pause, connect and reflect before you take action. Consider it being a part of your journey.
There are a multitude of different options to practice balance in your life, one simple way is through eating. Since eating is a part of our daily life we practice the art of balance without adding something to our to do list.
How do you balance your intake so that you feel satisfied, energized, content...?
Pausing as you stand in front of the refrigerator and asking yourself; What am I feeling? Am I physically hungry? Emotionally? Will this support me to feel great after I eat it? Can I enjoy every bite? Would I be willing to sit quietly and pay attention to what I am eating? What needs will be met by eating this?...
Food as nourishment to your soul as well as your body...want to explore that?
Life Coaching for connection, balance and health.
Discover the Power of Choice!
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