Take Back Your Time
I'm reading a book entitled "Take Back Your Time" edited by John de Graaf. Chapter titles "The Overworked American", "The Incredible Shrinking Vacation" and "Time to Be A Citizen" are tastes of what the book has to share. It's a collection of essays that help the reader see how we got here and perhaps how we can shift if we choose.
I pay attention to how I spend my time, to remember what I value most, to be present in the moment and to make conscious choices often. In this culture I feel as if I am the salmon swimming up stream. Our cultural current isn't moving in the direction I want to go. I get caught up in the current and then readjust and begin my swim in the opposite direction. Sometimes it feels lonely and I once again go with the current to meet my need for commonality. I will continue to do this because it is what feels right for me but boy I would sure love some company. If any of you want to work on taking back your time give me a call I would love to support you in making that happen.
Does anybody else ever feel that way?
I would like to visualize a nation who collectively chooses to take back their time and with that creates a happier, healthier, peaceful more loving world.
October 24th is Take Back Your Time Day for more information or to get involved go to www.timeday.org
"What is it about the pattern of our lives that exacerbates so many of our social and environmental problems?
This book suggests that a key aspect of our pattern problem comes from an unconscious choice we've made as a nation since World War II. Without thinking about it, Americans have taken all their productivity gains in the form of money-more stuff, if you will-and none of them in the form of more time. Simply put, we as a society have chosen money over time, and this unconscious value pattern has had a powerful and less than beneficial impact on the quality of our collective lives" -John de Graf
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