Monday, January 22, 2007

Compassionate Communication

We did a compassionate communication workshop this weekend in the community I live in. I am continually amazed at what happens to us when we gather to do work that connects us more fully to our hearts. By the end of the workshop the whole energy of the place had shifted. The amount of gratitude and love that was in the room was palpable.

Compassionate communication is about staying in relationship. As a result of that their is a mutual giving from the heart that then supports each of us to get our needs met more often.

Its a shift in thinking, communicating and acting that is based in your heart.
Interested in learning more go to the NVC website.

"In hell, people have chopsticks a yard long so they cannot reach their monuths. In heaven, the chopsticks are the same length-but people feed one another."
-Vietnamese folk wisdom


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