Thursday, December 28, 2006


How was Christmas for you? Did you have feelings of gratitude, excitement, peace, contentment...or did other feelings surface?

What needs were met for you? Connection, relaxation, stimulation...
As I reflect about my holiday I feel a smile coming on because it really met a lot of my needs and I believe the needs of my family.

It hasn't always been that way. As I grow and continue to listen to my deepest needs my family seems to come right along with me. We experimented with less material gifts this year. I noticed a greater appreciation for what each gift was and many were utilized right away. We spent much of Christmas day doing crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, eating great food, getting outdoors, and visiting with friends and neighbors.

I did find that being fully present was a much greater gift than any present under our tree.

Coaching for connection, balance and health.


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