gifts that keep on giving
If you are looking for gifts that keep on giving here are two organizations that I have supported in the past and will continue to do so. One is Beads for Life. You can buy necklaces, bracelets, and other items. The money goes to create sustainable incomes for women in Uganda. The breakdown of where the money goes is available on the website.
The second organization is Trees for Life this organization gives a gift of fruit tree plantings in area's of the world in need. Both have a great mission and are doing amazing work in the world to eradicate poverty and hunger.
They also have price ranges to fit any budget. Check them out if you have a need to share gifts that keep on giving.
In the same spirit I am inspired to offer a free gift for those of you who feel you would benefit from a coaching session to create a vision for the New Year. I will offer five sessions to the first five women that respond. This offer is for women who have not worked with me in the past. If you are interested or know of someone else you want to share this with feel free to pass this on. These sessions are done on the phone. Call 389-0831 or email me at to sign up.
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