A seed
"If somebody doesn't begin to provide some kind of harmony, we will not be able to develop sanity in this world at all.
Somebody has to plant the seed so that sanity can happen on this earth."
-Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Seems like there are more and more people out planting seeds. The thing is often you have to look outside the mainstream to see it. And therein lies the challenge much of the time for so many people.
How do I find the time to seek out the good news in the world?
Here is an opportunity for you to share where you get inspired, where you hear the news of "seeds being planted", where you see sanity happening...
Take a moment to write a comment and you will have supported someone else. I've already shared my favorite magazine "Ode" and there is Utne Reader, Orion and...Let us know!
Thank you, and may you get out there and plant your own seed.
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