Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New You

Ahhh we have a New Year, a prime opportunity to reflect and ponder what you want for yourself?

Who do you want to be this year?

It's inviting to recognize that the ritual of the New Year gives us this time and we can spend it focusing on what we want and need.

Do we want this year to be the year where we face our greatest fears, love ourselves beyond measure, find balance, develop gratitude and forgiveness, learn to tie our shoes (just checking to see if you are actually paying attention)...
New Year, New Awareness, New Moments, New Life!

Take this opportunity to make a plan to discover more of yourself.
Create SMART goals- Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed and go for it.

Every time I work in rehab and am caring for people whose lives have taken a very difficult turn I am reminded "this is it, don't waste another moment not being whoever it is you are meant to be".

Be it, do it for yourself and for everybody else. We are each here for a purpose, if you haven't already found yours, now is the time.

Coaching for connection, balance and health.


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