Friday, January 12, 2007

Our Conscience

"The changes in our lives must come from the
impossibility to live otherwise than according
to the demands of our conscience."
-Leo Tolstoy

How loud does your conscience have to get before you change?

Thinking about my own experiences and coaching others I have found it varies. It's about how closely you are listening, honing your intuition, trusting something greater than yourself, being brave, letting go of old beliefs, wanting passion and joy more than pleasing others, leading instead of following...

It takes lots and each of us has the power to step into the change that brings us to our purpose.

Coaching for connection, balance and health.


At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shhh....listen to your power. Yesterday I was very brave and trusted my intuition and spoke out of something I felt strongly about. It was scary and awkward. I had to expose elements of myself that I regarded private to someone who I had connections with professionally and socially, and I perceived my disclosures could impact both areas of my life negativly. Consience is an interesting choice of words here. We regard it repectfully, feeling it keeps us from hurting people or ourselves and yet it may hinder change for the greater good. Yes, when it speaks loudly how might we respond? Weighing the vunerable position I could enter against how my concern would effect change, I nervously presented my thoughts with com-passion. The encounter has left me with nothing but affirmation of believing in my own truth and creating a pathway for veichles of change. I also made a new friend, strengthend my neighborhood and had an oppurtunity to recommit to our children. Bonus? as often, when we follow the lead of spiritual direction, I have been enjoying the rewards of renewed blessings.


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