Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I've had numerous "aha" moments over the last week. What I am noticing is when I stick with my routine often I don't get enough stimulation to inspire my day.

For example: I have been drinking the same cup of tea every morning for a couple of years. While it meets a need for comfort and ritual if I never try a new kind I won't know if something else might be even better. I have varied my tea drinking in the last week and have found some delicious new flavors.

Be it driving down a different street to the grocery store, trying a new coffee shop, exploring a new exercise class, listening to new music...I'm now committed to checking out more of life and being conscious of how often I do something out of habit versus joy. Varying my routine wakes me up and brings more inspiration to my days.

If you are interested in exploring this start with one simple thing a day and do it a bit differently. Step out of your routine and see what happen!

Remember the old saying "Variety is the spice of life"
Give it a whirl.

Coaching for connection, balance, and health.


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