Thursday, August 24, 2006


What does uncomfortable feel like for you?

Often when feelings of discomfort arise we do something very quickly to get the feeling to go away. For some people it’s eating, for others its drinking, exercising, drugs, TV, computer games…anything to get us away from our feeling.

How long would the feeling last if you were to simply allow yourself to experience it fully. Many times feelings shift and change much faster than we imagine.

Take this one on! Next time you notice you are uncomfortable simply allow yourself to be with the feeling for a minute or two. Notice where the feeling sits in your body, what are you saying to yourself, what is your body wanting to do…

Can you allow the feeling to simply be and perhaps subside without doing anything or do you find yourself wanting to eat, exercise… Either way congratulate yourself for taking the time to feel the feeling. It’s a first step to change!


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