Friday, August 04, 2006

A new book

I've been reading a wonderful little book titled "Eat by Choice, Not by Habit" by Sylvia E. Haskivitz,M.A. R.D.

It has some wonderful little gems and I wanted to share this one. If you are craving a specific food simply pause before you eat it. This simple 5 seconds can support you to develop the capacity to hold the tension that triggers binge eating.

Pause and ask; What are you feeling? What are you needing? Be aware as you begin to eat the food...what does the first bite taste like? What need is being met to continue eating? How are you feeling when you finish?

If you can hold off on eating it what needs are you meeting? How are you feeling now... Awareness, acceptance, and compassion are the tools for healing. And its not just about food. You can choose to pause anytime you want to check in about any craving or desire.

Pausing or taking time for reflection throughout the day is healing, pure and simple. Give it a try!

I will be out of my office for the next two weeks, will be back writing on the 21st. In the meantime pause, breathe, reflect, and smile!


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