Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Best life

What does it mean to live your best life?

What is missing now that would support you to shift just for today? Because life is one today after another.

I often think about my day as a microcosm of moments. When I break it up into moments it seems easier to be my best. Not looking back on what I didn't do ten minutes ago but looking at what I can do now to feel and be my best. When I do that one great moment inspires another and they link up to make an amazing day...

Best days for me include, deep connection with loved ones, exercise, healthy, delicious foods,fifteen minute nap, meditation or heartmath, listening well, coaching, eating lunch with my kids, writing, calling a good friend, being in nature, taking a walk in the evening with my husband, reading a blessing at dinner, great conversation at dinner...

What about you?

"I say a prayer for a compassionate world each and every day"
-The Dalai Lama


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