What's Fueling You
Summer time which offers an abundance of beautiful fruits and vegetables also is a time when schedule changes make health a challenge. Vacations, friends visiting, increased family and relationship time and we can end up fueling ourselves in celebratory ways that don't support our health. I'm talking about that extra ice cream, barbeques with hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, special meals out and eating in the car while traveling.
A friend of mine asked me yesterday, What can I do different so I don't slide back into habits that I know in the long run don't make me feel my best?
What often works for me is some preplanning, while also allowing for flexibility. For instance you might choose to have dessert two nights of the week. If you say no today, you know later in the week you will have the option to have your favorite ice cream or chocolate. Also be mindful of having dessert out of habit, if it's not something you love hold off and treat yourself to that.
When traveling fill a cooler with fresh berries,carrots, cucumbers, nuts, some dips and one special treat. Same thing with camping, pack healthy first and then add some special treats in small amounts. Don't get the extra large bag of chips or cookies. Get enough for everyone to have a serving or two along with the fresh vegetables and fruits.
Mindful eating is also more challenging when we are in bigger groups. Getting a plate and sitting down is helpful, you are more aware of the portions you are choosing and are more relaxed which can aid in digestion.
While you are out there enjoying the beauty of the summer you can fuel your body in positive ways. Take some time to figure out what works best for you!
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