Thursday, June 29, 2006


I'm back home. I have to say that being on Oregon soil feels amazing. I appreciate it more when I leave once in awhile.

I was back East visiting my family and there were times that worry and guilt came up in conversation. I feel sad when these emotions come up often because from my view they don't support anyone. Not the person feeling worry or guilt or the one those feelings are related to.

My Mom thinks worry is genetic. I know I have worried a lot in the past and I still worry some but what I know now is that underneath the worry are a lot of other feelings and needs. If I connect the worry feeling with a need-for consideration, respect, clear communication- the anxiety subsides a bit and I find a way to ask for support or support myself. Guilt is similar, what need is not being met when you feel guilty? What might you need to request of yourself or another? Exploring the needs underneath the feelings allows you to better understand yourself and that in itself is very freeing. The NVC website is on the blog if you want more information about how to support yourself by learning new communication skills.

"We can play with our lives, loosening the imprint of society and family and class and profession that demands we become who we are not and that we believe the falsification. We can be whoever we want to be, for an evening, an afternoon, a day, an hour- even a few minutes can be remarkabley refreshing- and then return to our familiar identities. They will be waitning, ready for us to adopt then whenever we feel the need."
-Nina Wise


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