“The sufferers of bulimia will often make themselves vomit so they can continue eating. Their mind is hungry, not their body. This eating disorder would become healed if the sufferers, instead of being identified with their mind, could get in touch with their body and so feel the true needs of the body rather than the pseudo needs of the mind”
-Eckhart Tolle
When I read this I recognized that it isn’t just bulimia or even an eating disorder that he is talking about here. Its any disorder that is connected to our thoughts rather than our body and spirit.
This reading is a reminder that if we can simply recognize that our mind is hungry for something and then check in with our body and spirit we can then choose to feed those thoughts in our usual fashion there another way?
P.S. F.Y.I. This site has been offline a lot this week so my posts have been sporadic.
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