The present moment
How do we stay in the present moment?
To become more present you need to connect with yourself, as well as whatever is around you. You can do that by taking a couple of long slow breaths, by feeling your feet on the ground or the bones of your bottom on a chair, by noticing how the blood is pulsing in your hand or where your hand is. Connect to your body.
Share your attention with yourself.
We often give ourselves away when we are interacting. To be present is to be with yourself and whoever or whatever is in front of you. Notice the next time you say hello to someone what happens to your breathing...what happens to your connection with you?
Connection to the present moment is understanding this is it, this is all of life right now. Working as a nurse for as long as I have I am constantly reminded that the future is unknown and yet I too squador the present moment too often. I want to live here, now as often as I can. It really adds an amazing amount of peace to my life.
How would being present improve your life?
"This is my secret, I don't mind what happens"
J. Krishnamurti
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