An Inconvenient Truth
I saw “An Inconvenient Truth” last evening. It’s the Al Gore movie about global warming. I highly recommend viewing it. He does a great job of clearly and articulately explaining what is happening and shares the simple things each of us can do.
We do need to choose to make some changes. One is simply recognizing we can have a healthy, thriving economy and a healthy planet at the same time.
Many of the changes that can and will make a difference are the little changes. Energy efficient appliances, compact fluorescent light bulbs, phone calls to congress, driving less, hybrid or biodiesel vehicles, solar power, reduce, reuse, and recycle… Many of these things support your individual health as well.
We need to start being big picture thinkers. How does what I do affect more than just my family, friends,schedule, and finances…?
The data is in. If we choose not to change course we will be leaving our children a planet that will not sustain them.
Choose to make whatever changes feel right for you. It does add up!
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