Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"The way to improve the
world is first in one's
own heart and head and hands."
-Robert Pirsig

How do you feel when you read that?

I often find myself trying to change the world by doing something outside myself and then I get a reminder such as this quote. I need to be the best me, to change the world.
What am I feeling, what are my thoughts, what am I writing, who am I being...
Where am I?
Am I here now or am I thinking about yesterday, tomorrow, last year, am I worrying or am I content, am I angry or calm..

How about you?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The present moment

How do we stay in the present moment?
To become more present you need to connect with yourself, as well as whatever is around you. You can do that by taking a couple of long slow breaths, by feeling your feet on the ground or the bones of your bottom on a chair, by noticing how the blood is pulsing in your hand or where your hand is. Connect to your body.

Share your attention with yourself.
We often give ourselves away when we are interacting. To be present is to be with yourself and whoever or whatever is in front of you. Notice the next time you say hello to someone what happens to your breathing...what happens to your connection with you?

Connection to the present moment is understanding this is it, this is all of life right now. Working as a nurse for as long as I have I am constantly reminded that the future is unknown and yet I too squador the present moment too often. I want to live here, now as often as I can. It really adds an amazing amount of peace to my life.

How would being present improve your life?

"This is my secret, I don't mind what happens"
J. Krishnamurti

Monday, May 29, 2006

Back in Action

I'm back from my retreat. I had an amazingly wonderful time. I forget sometimes that I am really fun to be with. To connect deeply and enjoy my own company is a lovely treat!
I read Eckhart Tolles latest book "The New Earth" and feel like I embodied some of what he shares. I've spent the last couple of days accepting each moment as it is, not wanting or needing to change it.
How easy it can be to lose sight of acceptance and how lovely it is when I am in that space, everything flows much more smoothly.

How does acceptance of each moment work in your life?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Thai Curry Lentil Soup

This is delicious and easy to make!

2 cups lentils ( I prefer the small green ones)
1 onion
2 leeks
1 red bell pepper
2-3 med. carrots
1 can coconut milk
juice of 1 lime
thai curry paste- 1-2 tsp. Depending on how spicy you want it.
6 cups of water
canola oil

Cover the bottom of a soup pot with a thin layer of oil. Add onion and leek and sauté for 3-4 minutes until onion is translucent. Add other vegetables and cook briefly. Add the water and lentils. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 30-45 minutes until lentils are cooked. Add coconut juice, Thai curry, salt, and lime. Stir, adjust seasoning, and serve.

Also I will be out of town and away from computer access this week. Will be back writing next Monday.
Have a lovely week!

Friday, May 19, 2006


"High self-worth means being able to respond
to people but not be defined by them"
-Virginia Satir

How often do you find yourself defined by something or someone outside of you?

I've had times when another women will say to me "We're all this busy", or "We all take our kids to fast food restaurants" and I recognize that need to be defined as a group. It's easier to feel like we're all in this together, and yet if someone doesn't step out nothing changes.

I continue to strive to be the change I want to see, and that takes awareness on a deep level. I'll keep working on that. How about you?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cherish downtime

I don't know about you but I get my best idea's, solve many of my challenges, and get in touch with myself most easily when I am out taking a walk.

I now bring something to write with or a tape recorder because my blogs and articles stem from these moments. If I didn't have that downtime I'm not sure what I would be sharing here but it certainly wouldn't be what it is.

I cherish that time because my brain shifts into creative mode. Walking seems to work best for me, and I'm grateful because I really love to walk.

What kind of downtime works best for you?

Give yourself a gift and take a moment, 10 minutes, or an hour. Notice how you feel before, during, and after!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Listening with your ears plugged

How often are you listening to someone and your response is ready before the person has finished talking... that's listening with your ears plugged.

Ears wide open would mean you could reflect back what that person was saying with no interpretation on your part. It means you are all "ears"! How often are we heard with all ears?

I wonder if just this little shift in each of us would bring more peace and happiness. It's not as difficult as it may sound, its simply a path less traveled for many of us.

Today simply notice how often you have formulated a response before someone finishs a thought and notice and acknowledge when you don't. Practice being all "ears"!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

World Peace

Whenever a holiday rolls around my children ask me what I want. My answer is almost always World Peace.

Obviously, I haven't gotten what I want just yet, and I am gaining more awareness that I am the place peace begins. If I can break it into small bites, in this moment respond peacefully, in this moment be peaceful with yourself, and on and on, it doesn't feel so daunting.

If each of us who want peace, practice it ourselves will we notice a difference? I believe we will!

For today, if you wish, choose peace.


Friday, May 12, 2006


"Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes.
If it were always a fist or always stretched open,
you would be paralyzed.
Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings."

I've been noticing this very idea this week, it's not the end or beginning, the goal or the prize, its all the lovely moments in the process that are the richness of life.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


When you are doing or giving to someone else what are your motives?

Ever find yourself resentful, or doing something from a feeling of obligation? If you recognize this pattern take the opportunity to check in with your feelings and what the underlying need is for you. When you shift from obligation to choosing its amazing the difference it makes.

If you are choosing to work 80 hours a week what is the need? Financial security, material things, to pay the mortgage... If you are choosing to care for a loved one what is your need? The need to serve, to enrich anothers life, to make a difference... Recognizing your need is the key to letting go of resentment and blame.

Today notice how often you say or feel you have to do something and see if you can shift it to a choice.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

One less person

My husband is out of town this week; I miss him and am grateful for this time.
It changes our rhythm. One less person whose needs and feelings I keep track of.

My son sleeps in our bed; we linger over dinner in a different way. I play more games with my youngest and have more heart to hearts with my oldest. I want to look at how to make that happen even when my husband is here. Tonight I am taking the kids for ice cream, which is never my idea…I’m the healthy one. It’s fun to change it up a bit!

Does your rhythm of life change when your household does?

What are the gifts?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sushi Salad

A nice spring/summer dish. Four servings.

2 cups sushi rice
1 cucumber
2 carrots
1/4-1/2 lb. snow peas
1 avocado
Baked tofu
Sesame seeds
Soy sauce
Rice vinegar

Rinse rice and put in rice cooker or pot with 3 cups of water, bring to a boil and then simmer until done. Spread rice out in glass or metal pan to cool(you can use a hair dryer on cool setting or fan it), as rice is cooling mix rice vinegar with sugar and cut it into cooling rice. I use approximately ½ cup of rice vinegar with a tablespoon of sugar, adjust for taste.
Wash and cut snow peas and carrots into bite size pieces, steam these briefly, you want them crunchy.
Cut cucumber in half and scoop out middle and chop into 1/2 inch cubes. Slice avocado and baked tofu into 1/2 inch cubes.
Gently mix all the vegetables into the rice, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.

Monday, May 08, 2006


I spent the weekend at an amazing workshop with Russell Delman. The focus was awareness through movement, meditation and lecture/sharing.

We did some breathing exercises. I came away with a deeper awareness of breathing as a metaphor for all of our experiences. Simply becoming more aware of your breath, when you hold it, where in the cycle you are most comfortable, when breathing feels effortless...can give you information about where you find ease or discomfort in your life.

Any and all of it is fun to play with.

What would your day look like if you paused to pay attention to your breath every once in awhile?

Friday, May 05, 2006


"Joy has nothing to do with material things, or with a man's outward circumstance...A man living in the lap of luxury can be wretched, and a man living in the depths of poverty can overflow with joy."
-William Barclay

How do you feel when you read that?

Where do you find the most joy in your life?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


My son Jack turned 10 yesterday. He is so enthusiastic when he is being celebrated. He wanted to know the time of day he was born and we couldn't say happy birthday until that moment, he wants to be celebrated for the day. Lets take a ride, lets play basketball, lets get ready to go to dinner now Mom, its my birthday!

When he opens a present the smile on his face lights up not only his face but all those around him. We got him a bike this year. It was a big gift and he was ready. Ready with his enthusiasm and ready with his gratitude. I wish I could share his smile with you.

Enthusiasm is contagious, I found myself more in the moment, and joyful yesterday than I usually am.

How often are you really enthusiastic about life?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I get these daily messages from and felt the need to share todays. Lately I have been working through the challenges of living in a town that is growing exponentially. The hardest piece for me is the sense of greed that abounds with it. How much profit can each and every builder, business owner... make off this boom. Once I named what was most challenging I could use that awareness to make conscious choices about what I focus on. And in support of my answer I received this today:

For you, carol, it's never really been all about the cottage at the beach, a multimillion dollar bank account and the adoration of fans, has it?

Ok, a teeny, tiny bit.

Instead, it's been about having a life that allows for the expression of your creativity and exchanging your rare and special gifts with the world. To be yourself, no matter the cost, laughing often, and knowing to your core the meaning of love, friendship and sleeping in.

Just wanted you to know that I know this about you. And that I think it's just great how you're imagining the latter when you visualize these days...

Pretty much got you pegged, huh?
The Universe

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Commitment is the willingness to stick with your vision throughout the inevitable ups and downs that occur"- Gail Straub

I love this definition of commitment because it honors the reality that we will have ups and downs. What else do you need to stay committed to your vision? More awareness, discipline, self-respect...