Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I get these daily messages from and felt the need to share todays. Lately I have been working through the challenges of living in a town that is growing exponentially. The hardest piece for me is the sense of greed that abounds with it. How much profit can each and every builder, business owner... make off this boom. Once I named what was most challenging I could use that awareness to make conscious choices about what I focus on. And in support of my answer I received this today:

For you, carol, it's never really been all about the cottage at the beach, a multimillion dollar bank account and the adoration of fans, has it?

Ok, a teeny, tiny bit.

Instead, it's been about having a life that allows for the expression of your creativity and exchanging your rare and special gifts with the world. To be yourself, no matter the cost, laughing often, and knowing to your core the meaning of love, friendship and sleeping in.

Just wanted you to know that I know this about you. And that I think it's just great how you're imagining the latter when you visualize these days...

Pretty much got you pegged, huh?
The Universe


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