What are your strongest beliefs? How do they support you? Where did they come from?
Beliefs are the mental acceptance of something as true, even though absolute certainty is absent.
We will choose our beliefs over our experience and often they can be outdated. Our parents, friends, old experiences, fairy tales or cultural norms may have formed them.
I held a belief, for a long time, that created some frustration and unhappiness in my marriage. I believed that if I gave my husband a “look”, ignored him or hinted around about what I needed he would figure it out and give it to me. If he truly loved me he would know what I was feeling and needing. He didn’t. He wasn’t a mind reader.
This led to some frustrating times for both of us. My belief held me back from communicating clearly without blame or judgment.
I no longer carry that belief and I have learned to check in with myself about my feelings and needs and find ways to be supported. What a relief to let go of that one. My relationship with my husband is much better without that hanging over our heads!
Altering that one belief years ago put me on the path that has me in front of you now. It was the catalyst that helped me see the key to happiness is all within myself. I can look at each of my beliefs, attitudes and thoughts. And the one thing I have the power to change is myself, one belief at a time.
Take some time to notice if any of your beliefs might be holding you back from living your best life.
Thank you for sharing that piece about your husband, it's so true!! When we are able to take responsibility for our needs (and getting those needs met), it can be liberating. Now, for the hard part; letting go of the many other unhealthy beliefs about myself! Thanks again for you postings, I always get something valuable from them.
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