Monday, June 13, 2005

From Selfish to Self-Care

I’m giving a presentation on self-care next week. I find it such a great topic and yet it’s challenging for people to GET the importance of it. For many women to take care of themselves feels selfish. However, what I’ve found is if you don’t do great self-care you aren’t your best self.

Here’s an example; when my children get home from school and I haven’t taken time for myself I find it easier to be irritable and less connected. When I take fifteen minutes prior to there arrival to nap, have a cup of tea or simply be, I find myself much more willing and able to focus on their needs and the connection feels warm and whole.

How do we switch the mentality from selfish to self-care? Step one is to simply notice. Pick a couple of days this week to be very conscious of how you are feeling. When you are feeling irritable, overwhelmed, angry, tired… simply ask yourself, “Would it be selfish or would it be great self-care to do something kind for myself in this moment?”
If you choose to take this on I would love to hear your comments on what you noticed.
Have a week filled with inspiring moments!


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