Monday, June 06, 2005

How to get started

How do we start to make positive changes in our lives? The more I work with clients the clearer I get on this topic. The first and most important step to making changes is to take some time to figure out exactly where you are before you begin. Take time this week and pick one area of your life you want to give more attention to.

For example if you are wanting to increase the amount of time you exercise you would spend this week paying attention to how much you are doing now, what gets in the way of doing it, what do you enjoy most in your routine, what is the underlying commitment... you get the idea. Take notes, have fun just noticing.

At the end of the week you have some concrete information. You now have more clarity about where you are in this area of your life and that makes it much easier to plan for where you want to go. Take some time to check in with yourself about what your long term goals are. Now set a couple of goals for next week. I encourage you to set small attainable goals and pay attention to the shifts that are occurring by you consciously choosing to move forward.
Have fun and remember its the journey not the destination!!
Appreciate yourself.


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