Friday, May 13, 2005

Coaching yourself to conscious eating!

Dear All,
What does conscious eating mean? For me it means asking myself some questions before I start. The questions I ask myself when I am practicing conscious eating are--What am I eating this for? What kind of hunger am I feeding? Emotional, spiritual, physical... How is this food going to make me feel in an hour or two? I now eat or not with clear intention even when the food may be meeting a need other that physical. The first step is to notice how often we eat for reasons other that hunger. If this interests you, pick a day this week to pay attention, ask yourself these questions or your own. Appreciate yourself for becoming more aware!
Have the best day!


At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great "food for thought", Carol! I get disgusted when I think about how often I eat for reasons other than physical need, but you're right, awareness is the first step. Thanks for starting your BLOG! I am looking forward to many more insights.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with stopping to get in touch with what we want on all levels. If I really want a certain kind of food (something chewy, salty, or creamy and sweet, etc.) and I try to satisfy myself with something else, I end up eating more in the end. I trust that my body knows what it needs IF I listen and eat with loving intention.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Milk Carton Epiphany. Making a decsision to buy organic milk at twice the price requires a shift of financial consciousness to spirtual consciousness. This was magically rewarded when Abby and I sat down to cereal with the smiling faces of neighbors on the back of a box of milK. Wow, I know these people a few miles away and I care about them like they care about their cows. It got me to thinking: how can something from so far away, like most of our food sources, nourish me? Cows from down the street can nourish me in a way cows from across the country can't. It got me to thinking how important it is that I buy my berries from the next town over, not the next country. I live in mid America, the rich and fertile heartland and it got me to thinking 'how much of my food doesn't come from here' and that the average consumer(in the land of the 'above average'),in pursuit of the best value, is driving that consciousness farther away from health's grasp. Spiritual health, physical health, mental health and yes, in the end, financial health. It is a big picture and we can choose to be blessed with the responsibility of drawing that picture for others with our conscious choice of what we eat, (and, bonus, it really helps with the 'why').


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