Monday, July 11, 2005


I spent about 4 hours yesterday sitting on my neighbor’s couch chatting, drinking tea and interacting with my friends and lots of kids as they wandered in and out. I honestly can’t remember the last time I spent a late Sunday afternoon with no agenda, nowhere else to be, no need to be doing. It felt wonderful and met a need to connect and laugh and just BE!
My husband and daughter are out of town so it’s Jack, my nine year old, and I on our own for five days. I’m noticing with fewer responsibilities I feel a bit freer to be in the moment, to be present for Jack, myself and whatever is in front of me. I miss Mark and Phoebe a lot yet at the same time feel grateful for this opportunity to explore being in my home and community with a little less on my plate.
Have a wonderful day,


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sharing your peaceful afternoon with us, makes me feel like we just had a coaching session! A day later, but I too was basking in such a similiar setting! Contentment, tea, the rare liesurely disclousures. an interesting and calming alignment...


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