Monday, June 20, 2005


I had an amazing session with my coach this week. She shared her appreciation for all of the positive things I have done to expand my business. I can’t explain how great it felt to be validated for all of my hard work. The most amazing part was that I was able to take it in completely, to soak up all those positive words about me.
For the last two years every night before I fall asleep I ask myself “ what are you grateful for today.” My gratefulness can range from a beautiful smile or laugh from my children to having had a great day hiking or skiing and everything in between.
I have added appreciations of others and myself to my nightly gratefulness ritual and it has altered my view of the day.
My appreciation for the day goes to all of you who have found some value in what I am sharing and believe in me. Thank you!!!!


At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe in your work, and what you're giving to others. Your presentation was great today, and I think each person took something different from it. Your insight to me this morning was especially helpful; allow yourself to "start fresh" each day, and let go of past failures. I used it to motivate myself through a great day of healthful eating and two sessions of exercise. Thanks again for this work you do!!!


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