Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Grand Canyon

I just returned from an eight-day river-rafting trip down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. For me being in the canyon was like being in the most beautiful cathedral in the world. My heart feels one hundred times more open and I am very connected to my spirit. Top that off with an amazing group of loving, generous individuals, being there with my husband and daughter, the excitement of the rapids and the incredible food. All of which made for a very, very special adventure.
I got to experience as one of the guys said “ being with my mind”. There was plenty of time to notice what I was feeling and listen to all that chatter in my head and then choose to let it go or not. I loved being able to let go of making decisions, allowing the trip leader and those more knowledgeable than myself take the lead. I was able to be really patient and let the day unfold instead of trying to grasp on to any one thing. I went with the flow, of the group and the river.
The full trip is 18 days long and my daughter and I hiked out on day 8 to come home to my son. It was hard to leave and I feel a bit fragmented. Part of me is still in the canyon, part is grieving for the place and I am without a doubt here and present for my children. However, there is a piece of that place and the people that remain firmly rooted in my heart.


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, it was so great to meet you on the river and enjoy a hike together. It was just like I had envisioned it. What a fantastic adventure! Welcome Home.


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