Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Awakened doing

Awakened doing; Eckhart Tolle shares this thought so beautifully in his book "The New Earth". I find this concept so important to moving forward in our lives.

Here is his definition of awakened doing; "In any situation and in whatever you do, your state of consciousness is the primary factor; the situation and what you do is secondary".

I'm imagining that concept is pretty foreign to most of us brought up in the Western world. We get and give so much recognition for what we do. Yet when I think about the people in my life that I have great appreciation and love for what they do is not what is important. What is important is who they are as a human being, how they commit to connection, how present they are in the moment, how loving and kind they are...

It's not what we do but how we do it and who we are being when we do.

In any situation I can ask myself; Am I excited, interested in doing this or am I resentful and irritated? Can I shift my consciousness in that moment or am I willing to not do...what are my options? I want to be present for who I am being and recognize when that may not be of service to other.

Does shifting your consciousness to placing more attention on who you are being mean doing different things or simply doing the same things differently??

I don't have that answer, you get to explore what it means to you, if you choose!


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