Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reminder My friend Annie sent me this link and I decided to pass it on. It takes about 3 minutes to watch. I find its helpful to be reminded to live in the present and this short movie is one opportunity to do that.

In coaching I get to support women to explore living life with no regrets. Working with all levels of self; body, mind and spirit.

As I've learned to be more present with each moment and look for the opportunities for beautiful things to happen, guess what...they do. Don't wait to be diagnosed with cancer or get in a bad car accident to be living your best life.
Do it. NOW!


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Carol, Now when I tell people the website, it will have new meaning. It is amazing the connections occuring here In The Present between is like it explains The DASH in Bohemian!. Wow, I say 'dash' everyday. Last eve I was a shade of blue, and kept trying to remind myself how I was surrounded by lovely caring people and no longer in the space that had created that color to my pshyce. I even felt cranky because I knew I was being selfish and greedy to hold on and expose them to negative feelings that they were not a part of. I took myself out of the present by trying so hard to BE present. Many with computers may have seen the warning "dangerously low on resources". My last session with Carol was profound, and although she may say we don't need this, gave me 'permission' to be gentle with myself and embrace that I am doing the best I can at the time. Last night I was dangerously low on resources but knew I still had work to do: balancing dissapointment with the great joys in life...Carol was my 'warning screen' to let me be open to solutions to build up my resources. I may not have been entirely present last night, but I wanted to be, "I want to be better at this present stuff". I want to thank the people in my life who support me by being joyful when I spend time with them sharing the peace and contentment I strive for. Carol sent me the dash, and now whenever I say that word, a word I use everyday, I will have a mindful reminder of where I am and who I am with and how I want to be in those moments that won't be recorded, but are the only ones that matter and make up our life.


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