What does being in neutral mean?
For me neutral is when I feel able to see both sides of a challenge without an emotional charge. If I'm not in neutral I am coming from a place of wanting to be right or for my belief to be more important than someone elses.
If I check in with my body and sense what I am feeling and needing, empathize with myself, take a couple of deep breaths and take some time I can come back to neutral.
I want to come to neutral in order to see the bigger picture, to learn more about what feelings and needs shift me out of neutral and to learn how to stay connected during charged situations. It seems there is so much separation when we need to be right or more important. Your not being charged creates an opportunity for whoever you are with to not have to defend their position and then you have created a moment of connection. Each moment you offer this is another moment where we get to choose peace.
I want to respond from neutral more often. Because when I respond from that place I am not denying or identifying strongly with the part of myself that was triggered and I am not identifying the other person as the enemy. I am consciously able to be the observer and in that moment I am no longer attached to needing to be right or in control. What I am choosing is to be connected. I want to play with this concept in every area of my life. Most particularly with my family as this is where it can be the most challenging and the most rewarding for me.
Neutral, it may sound boring but what I have found is it's a beautiful place to explore!
Nuetral offers oppurtunities to move forward. When we let go of position we become free to act. 'Hold your positon' we are told through childhood games only to grow up practicing it in our daily lives during our involvement in family, community, work and ourselves. To busy holding, and hang on tight because there MUST be a reason, we lose track of how to accomplish the goal. 'Holding position' seems to offer a visual cue that one is working toward the goal: explanations, rational, proof. Goals don't need justification. Their honor is in just being. Goals, suddenly, become attainable as we spring forth from Nuetral. These are the moments when we witness and feel right before the finish line. Wow Carol, is there physic coaching?
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