Monday, September 25, 2006


I believe that pausing is very underated in our world and that it is one of the keys to peace and happiness.

How often when you have been triggered by what someone said or did do you pause, take two very slow deep breaths and check in with yourself before you respond?

How often when you have a big craving for a food have you paused, taken two very slow deep breaths and checked in with what you are feeling and needing before you begin to eat?

To pause and check in with yourself is an art. It takes practice. When I remember to pause I recognize I can be uncomfortable for a couple of moments and I will be okay. I can wait to speak or to eat and by doing this sense the bigger picture around the "why" of my choice. When I do this I respond differently, I am less likely to blame, judge or resent myself or others. I take full responsibility for my actions with better understanding and acceptance of myself. That creates more peace and happiness within me which is such a beautiful thing because then that is who I am with others.

Pausing...pass it on.


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