Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I decided to experiment with paying closer attention to my intentions this weekend. My intention was to create opportunities to connect more fully with my family, friends and myself and to feel happy doing it. The question that I worked with is one I found in the book “ How We Choose to be Happy” by Rick Foster and Greg Hicks. Here’s the question: What attitude will best enhance the quality of this experience right now? I don’t know exactly how often I asked it, however I did find myself shifting my attitude frequently and smiling to myself in a fun loving sort of way.
Did having a clear intention support me in making it happen? It did, I had some wonderful connections, and as the weekend unfolded my plans included more intimate times with family, friends and myself. It was a full weekend and also a quiet one. We had another family over for a board game, a morning of working in our community, dinner and a movie with friends, a tandem bike ride with my son and a lovely nap on Sunday afternoon. And plenty of moments of connection in between! I continue to gain greater awareness that, for me, it’s not the length of time of any one interaction; it’s how present I am… my intention to be right there, that’s the prized gift!
Take this week to play around with this concept. Do you have any long-term intentions? And do your intentions include being happy? Have fun!
You can click on
www.choosetobehappy.com and go to “exploring your happiness” and you can take a happiness inventory!


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