Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Compassionate Times

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
- Dr. Howard Thurman
At times like this I once again feel so grateful for having a venue to support people. With all of the news coming out of Louisiana and Mississippi it’s challenging to stay positive and see a way to support all of those who are suffering.
Balancing your own energies can help you gain more clarity and stay in a positive proactive mode and can even help those who are being directly affected. If you’re interested, below are the links to heart lock and security tool kit, (which is designed to ease stress in children). This is the Heartmath concept I talked about in an earlier post. These techniques can assist you to stay in a positive, compassionate place.
Heart Lock-In Technique: Security Tool Kit™:

Can you or your community do something more concrete about helping? Absolutely, I read about one women who called the Superintendent of the Houston Schools and asked what they needed. He asked for 100 backpacks filled with school supplies. A church from Colorado sent a bus down to Houston to take 100 families back to their hometown where they had places for them to live and potential jobs available. A local Brewery here in town matched employee fund raising and wrote a check out to the Red Cross for $21,000. This is a great opportunity to think outside of the box. Stay connected to your heart and do what makes you come alive!
Be your best!


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