Monday, August 22, 2005


Heart Math is a new technique for managing stress that I have begun using with my clients and myself. It's a practice that can support you to shift your state of mind into a calmer, happier place in just minutes.
The technique is very simple:
1. Focus on your heart (you can place your hand over your heart as you practice).
2. Then imagine you breath is flowing in and out through this area. Breathe slowly and easily in and out through your heart. Do this until your breathing feels smooth and balanced.
3. Continue to breathe through your heart and recall a positive feeling, a time or situation when you felt great inside. Notice what happens when you begin to focus on something positive. Do you feel a little shift? If not keep practicing it can take some individuals a little time to feel a difference.
You can apply this one-minute technique any time you feel a bit stressed. I find it great to do first thing in the morning. I've noticed that the more I practice this the calmer I feel and the easier it is for me to remember to use it when I need it the most.
The website for the institute of heartmath is There is also a book titled “Transforming Stress” by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman Ph.D. This book and the techniques it offers are valuable for everyone. I have found Heartmath to be an easy and powerful tool to balance stress and deal with challenging situations in a very positive way!
Happy Summer,


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