Monday, October 03, 2005


This is posted on my web site and I thought I would share it here as well. I find it really helpful as a check-in for what I need to focus on.
Read through the following questions and check the ones that you are doing regularly.

I have a regular exercise routine that I feel great about.___
I take some time every day for quiet contemplation.___
I eat foods that nourish my body and my soul.___
I eat five vegetables and fruits a day.___
I have meaningful work in my life. (This can be taking great care of your family)___
I wake up feeling energized and enthusiastic about my day.___
I get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.___
I have a creative interest that I pursue.___
I am aware when my stress level gets above a three( on a scale of 1-10) and I do something to take care of myself.___
I know what my options are to decrease my stress.___
I take time to connect with myself on a regular basis.___
I find it easy to name five positive qualities about myself.___
I have fulfilling relationships with family and friends.___
I feel confident in getting my needs met.___
I communicate my feelings and needs without blame and judgment.___
I look for new opportunities to grow and learn.___
I am willing to say no.___
I take time to play.___
I see a healthcare practitioner regularly and my health is a priority in my life.___
I am honest with myself and others.___
I give easily and without any expectations of getting something in return.___
I can give and receive appreciation with grace.___

All these statements reflect ways in which we can take great care of ourselves.
How did you do?
Did this awaken in you a desire to have more of these qualities or behaviors?
Feeling inspired to set some new intentions and take action to live a healthy balanced life?
Need support?

"You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it." -Rumi


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