Friday, May 27, 2005

The Right Questions

I've been reading a great book, "The Right Questions" by Debbie Ford. Here is one of the questions, "Will this choice bring me long-term fulfillment or will it bring me short-term gratification. Take this question on for a couple of days and just notice what is up for you. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


What are you committed to doing in your life? If you want the answer to that look take some time to look at your life. Whatever is happening, whatever you are creating in your day is what you are most committed to. If your life is not the way you want it to be you can be certain that you have an underlying or hidden commitment to something other than what you believe you are committed to.
For example you might say you are committed to getting into better physical shape, but when its time to go work out you find an excuse and are too tired or too busy. When you look deeper you may find that the stronger commitment is to feeling bad about yourself. The first step is to become aware of the underlying or hidden commitments.
Choose an area of your life you believe you are committed to and you are not seeing the results or changes you want. Make a list of all the things that are getting in the way. Then ask yourself, what is the underlying commitment?
I’d love to hear what you find out!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Balance Means Change

"Balance is a dynamic process, not a permanent condition. Balance is always relative to the person we are today. Who we are in the present moment is influenced by everything that occurs in our lives--how we feel physically, what we ate yesterday, our emotions, age, stress level, physical activity, intellectual demands, travel, time of day, even the weather outside. Nourishment means establishing your intimate connection to your body so you know when you are balanced, recognize when you are not, and understand how to respond to your ongoing needs for equilibrium."
Hale Sofia Schatz--" If the Budda Came to Dinner"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Conflicting needs

I had a full weekend, lots of connection and yet I didn’t take the time to connect with myself. I felt over stimulated and tired and just allowed myself to feel and notice where I was.
I had conflicting needs, wanting to connect with all the people I had the opportunity to be with and wanting a bit of down time for myself. I made it through without the down time and was able to express my feelings around my unmet needs without blaming or judging. That felt really good. How do you manage conflicting needs? How clear are you about what you need in any moment?
Have a grateful day!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Your Coach

Coaching yourself to conscious eating!

Dear All,
What does conscious eating mean? For me it means asking myself some questions before I start. The questions I ask myself when I am practicing conscious eating are--What am I eating this for? What kind of hunger am I feeding? Emotional, spiritual, physical... How is this food going to make me feel in an hour or two? I now eat or not with clear intention even when the food may be meeting a need other that physical. The first step is to notice how often we eat for reasons other that hunger. If this interests you, pick a day this week to pay attention, ask yourself these questions or your own. Appreciate yourself for becoming more aware!
Have the best day!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

River of Life

Dear All,
This is a really interesting media to me. I now have a venue to share what I love with you. My goal for this blog (love that name) is to offer idea's, perspective and my personal experiences that continue to lead me to increased self awareness and greater self care. Since I began coaching I have become more aware of the craziness of our culture and the pace that we drive ourselves. What I want most for all women is for each of you to be making your decisions consciously from a place of value and need . We all have different values and capacities to handle stress. I believe we all need some support to check in and see where we are. An analogy I use is that a lot of the time it feels like we are all in a big boat going down river with no paddles and no idea what direction we are going. I want all of us to know how to get to shore, take some time to figure out what direction we are going, take a break, pick up some paddles, learn how to navigate the boat and get back in the river with more clarity and more tools. Then we can get on and off the river , when needed, to take a break and check our direction. So here's the question for today--------Where are you regarding this analogy and where do you want to be?

Thanks for listening and have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Life Coaching

Be aware of wonder.
Live a balanced life.
Learn some and think some
and draw and paint
and dance and play
and work some
every day!
- - Robert Fulcrum