Monday, October 29, 2007

The Trance

“How important that we recognize the strong pull into our collective trance: the unconscious beliefs, unquestioned repetitive stories and habitual behavior patterns. Almost the entire culture around us lives in this trance. Simultaneously, the eternal calling of our True Nature, Original Self, Buddha Mind also has a relentless, powerful pull yet it is more subtle- inviting us yet not demanding that we heed its call. How do we listen well enough to hear the whispers of this timeless call when the shouting of the trance is so loud around us and within us? A noble path, this intention toward awakening!” – Russell Delman

and so you have it...what does it mean to be evocative is the pull of the trance...

Exploring the trance and inviting presence into your life...its a new dance...interested in learning the steps?

Coaching for balance, connection and health

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses...We cannot change anything until we accept it" -Carl Jung

What do you want to change?

How often do you find yourself beating yourself up because you haven't done it...

What would it take for you to accept and give yourself empathy for where you are and to move forward from that place again and again...

Coaching engages you to tap into your own wisdom, to accept yourself where you are and to move forward from there. Connecting you to balance, harmony joy...whatever it is you want.

Find your best friend in yourself!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Carrot Salad

This is an old favorite that I like to have for lunch or for dinner with soup.

1 Cup purple cabbage chopped finely, blanched and shocked
2 cups grated carrots
3/4 cup almonds-chopped
3/4 cup raisins
3/4 to 1 cup plain yogurt
1-2 tsp of cinnamon
Agave syrup or honey to taste

In bowl place cabbage, carrots, almonds and raisins. Pour yogurt on top, sprinkle the cinnamon on and toss it all together. Taste and adjust sweetness with agave or honey if desired

Monday, October 15, 2007

computer crash

My computer hardware crashed on Friday and I found myself a bit panicked as I hadn't backed up all of my writing for upcoming work I am doing and haven't backed up my contact list either. Hopefully it is all retrievable and the lesson I learned is if I am using a computer I need to remember all the steps to take to reduce the risk of loss.

That said I had an incredible weekend full of music, a film festival and most important for me some wonderful deep connections with myself and others.
I viewed some amazing documentaries that were so inspiring my need for service rose another notch. If you get the opportunity to see "Beyond the Call" or "Mekong" go and support these films that are sending an important message.

Life is as rich and alive as you want. The work for me is being willing to explore options, be out of my comfort zone and taking the time to reflect, be in gratitude and give back! I want to learn to hold onto nothing and embrace everything.
How about you??

for connection, balance and health.

P.S. due to my computer crash I may not be posting too much in the next couple of weeks. I will have a new recipe soon.


Thursday, October 11, 2007


"When I go in to teach Nonviolent Communication to students I like to start with this question: What do you wonder about? When I asked students that question I'm bombarded with all kinds of things, and you will hear theri answers in this song. And after school when I ask the teachers the same question. What do you wonder about? And do you know the most typical response I get from teachers? Silence. And I say, I wonder what happened to us between age six and now. You saw how the children responded. What happened to us? And the teachers say, "Well, I was afraid I would sound stupid." I was afraid that what I was wondering about was abnormal." That's what happens to us. We lose our ability to wonder. We're educated in ways that make us worry about what we are, rather than what is alive in us.Most of the lines in this song came from the children.

Green Jell-O Song
I wonder why my dog won't eat green Jell-o
I like the wiggly was it melts inside
I wonder when a turtle pulls its head in
Is it so dark it's scared to be inside
I wonder if a rock likes being hard
I wonder if the sky likes being blue
I wonder if butterflies like butter
I wonder if you like being you

I wonder why I don't feel myself stretching
When people say I'm growing every day
I wonder why I always have to listen
to more words than I ever get to say
I wonder if the grass cries when it's cut
I wonder if the rain hurts when it falls
I wonder if the earth gets dizzy turning
I wonder if little worms feel small

I wonder why I see so many people
Do things that thye don't really wnat to do
I wonder if the music goes away somewhere
After I sing my song to you
I wonder if it feels sad to be old
I wonder if the moon likes company
I wonder why it's fun to feel a little scared
I wonder if you wonder like me 2"
-Marshall Rosenberg and friends

What do you wonder?

I wonder about how the color of leaves outside my window can make me so happy and
I wonder about how I can support others to find peace, happiness and more joy in each moment.
I wonder whether we can repair the damage to our earth as well as our spirits and
I wonder if making chocolate would be fun,
I wonder what each of you wonder about and
I wonder if this note will inspire you to wonder and if so
I really wonder if that can change the world.
virtual hugs!

Monday, October 08, 2007


I returned from a weeklong class, the beginning of a three year program focusing on PRESENCE. It was a full week and I am integrating back into my world as I write this.

When we checked in at the beginning of the week one man shared he had a lot of knowledge but not much understanding and I wonder about that. So much of our cultural training is about gaining knowledge and yet understanding feels like a different level.
What is your feeling about that?

Do you want more understanding, knowledge or both...

One of our homework assignments is to stop five times a day and take three deep breaths following each one from beginning to end. Being present with breath, returning to life. Small shifts can make a big difference.

If you're interested give it a try for a while and simply notice...

Life Coaching for connection, balance and health!