The Trance
“How important that we recognize the strong pull into our collective trance: the unconscious beliefs, unquestioned repetitive stories and habitual behavior patterns. Almost the entire culture around us lives in this trance. Simultaneously, the eternal calling of our True Nature, Original Self, Buddha Mind also has a relentless, powerful pull yet it is more subtle- inviting us yet not demanding that we heed its call. How do we listen well enough to hear the whispers of this timeless call when the shouting of the trance is so loud around us and within us? A noble path, this intention toward awakening!” – Russell Delman
and so you have it...what does it mean to be evocative is the pull of the trance...
Exploring the trance and inviting presence into your life...its a new dance...interested in learning the steps?
Coaching for balance, connection and health
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