Thursday, July 26, 2007


"Never let yesterday use up today."
-R.H. Nelson

To be in the present moment is such a gift and for many a great challenge. When we aren't in the present we are missing out on a very special part of life because NOW is where life happens.

How do you practice being present?

I have found the most valuable way for me to stay ccnnected to now is to breath and feel my feet on the ground.

If you have a moment after you read this go outside find a small stretch of grass or dirt and take off your shoes and socks. Move your feet around and notice what it feels like to plant them firmly in one place. Take a minute to notice what it feels like to be firmly planted and then begin to pay attention to your breath. Imagine as you breath that your breath is moving all the way through you and connecting you to the ground. Take a few steps and notice if you feel any different?

You don't need to go outside to do this you can do it anywhere. I do this many times a day; pause, feel the ground underneath me and breath. It has made a positive difference in my life.
Explore different strategies to be present and magical shifts may happen.

Life Coaching for connection, balance and health.

"Discover the Power of Choice"


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