Friday, February 24, 2006

Being in your place

I’ve been working with a lot of individuals lately who are beginning to acknowledge the hold the cultural “doing more” world has on them. There’s a book titled My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn that has a wonderful way of reminding us that we aren’t all here to be the “doers”.
Just like some of us are small, tall, brown eyed, blue eyed …some of us have a slower rhythm… being in “doing” too much of the time isn’t what supports everyone to share their particular gift or passion.
There is a lot of societal pressure to be "doing more". One of my greatest wishes is that we do or not do from a place of conscious choice.
Is this in the best interest of my body, mind and spirit?
Give yourself permission to ponder where you fit and be willing to honor that.
Be comfortable knowing that when you are in your authentic place, you are giving your gifts in the finest way you can.


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