Friday, February 03, 2006

Caring for yourself

I'm going out of town tomorrow and will be not have access to a computer for the next week. I will be back and writing, next Friday the 10th.

In the meantime a little homework for those of you who read me often.

What would your day be like if you loved and supported yourself like a loving mother?

Each of us has a loving, nurturing side but how often do we use it on ourselves?

I was thinking about how mothers nurture and care for young children. Well-loved youngsters get their needs met and are able to ask for what they want with the belief that they deserve it. Many mom's wouldn't think of not feeding their child, making time for a nap, spending time doing something fun, acknowledging them for something they did that was great...

The homework of the week:
Picture within yourself the mother of your dreams. Someone who puts you first, supports you fully. As you connect to what you are feeling and needing bring to mind this mother image and allow your choices to come from her.,, need a hug...ask for one, don't want to do something...say no!

Care for yourself like you are as valuable as that beautiful three year old you once were.


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