Friday, November 02, 2007

I'm curious as to how we stay engaged in the world and not get shut down by fear.

I've notice if I hear too much about how awful things are going in the world I move into fear and then slide down the slippery slope toward hopelessness and confusion. I can lose site of the big and small actions I can take that do make a difference.

Eating differently is one way we can support change. Eating local, less processed, organic, growing your own...these are all ways you can effect change.

Drive less, carpool, bicyle, combine trips, hybrids...these are all ways you can affect change.

Take care of yourself, breathe deeply, pause, step off the train, refuse to conform, laugh more, give empathy...these are all the ways you can effect change.

Giving to others, being in service, smiling warmly, letting someone in front of you, being present, random acts of kindness...these are all the ways you can effect change.

You are just like everyone else. You can make decisions, create change, love, hate, make war, be compassionate, connect, disconnect...

You get to choose...I encourage you to choose with your heart and recognize that big or small you make a difference.


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