Friday, December 16, 2005

Giving Love

I was listening to a Marianne Williamson tape on intimacy the other day and I really heard a key point that she made. Instead of searching for the love you haven’t received, give that kind of love.
It seems we often spend time wanting something we ourselves don’t have. Like attracts like, if you are a healthy, whole person you will attract healthy, whole people into your life. Want your loved ones to love you? Love them!! It’s a simple concept, and many of us are trained to expect others to give before we do.
This time of year allows us a unique opportunity to look at giving in the simplest terms. A smile, opening a door, kindness and patience with a store clerk, a hug, listening…

Coaching tip: Take some time to reflect before the New Year. Examine your past choices around nutrition, exercise and self-care. Have they kept you on course toward health or are they pulling you off?


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